Crowd Mobile IP Pty Ltd ئاپەکان

Passion for Fashion 1.1
Crowd Mobile IP Pty Ltd
Ask experts about fashion!Passion for Fashion is your pocket-sized personal stylist.Our experts are here to help you shop for a pair of sneakers thatgo best with those shorts you always wear, or (for you ladies!)pick the perfect pair of pumps to go with your new backlessdress.If you need to fix a faux pas or just want a fashionista’s opinion,submit a photo and question and receive instant feedback any time.Passion for Fashion is here to help 24/7!Whether you need something casual or couture, you’re sure to be thebrightest light in any room.How do I start?Sometimes fashion seems complicated. Good thing this app iseasy.1) Download the app.2) Take a snap of your outfit.3) Ask anything!4) Get feedback.5) Walk out the door like the world is your runway.What can I ask?Anything you want!Passion for Fashion gives you up-to-date advice on the latesttrends and classic looks you would love based on everyone’sfavorite fashion icons.Having trouble deciding which jeans to buy for yourgirlfriend/boyfriend?Not sure if you’re ready to take that $200 shirt to the cashregister?Want to wear your new sheer blouse, with no idea what to match itwith?Send your question, problem solved.How quickly will they respond?Get a response within just a couple of minutes. Your personalstylists are available to help you out any time of the day, everyday.
Copilot 1.1
Crowd Mobile IP Pty Ltd
Copilot is a unique travel community app,where you can always ask for advice on what places to visit orinformation about the places you are in. You can just snap apicture of a building and receive the information of that place inseconds. With Copilot, you have access to over 1000 travel expertsthat are ready to help you with directions and advice on how tospend your time. You can even receive a YouTube video as an answerto see where you can travel. Copilot is your own, personal travelguide, showing you what places to visit whenever you`re in a newplace, be it, a new city or even a new country. We currentlysupport Europe and Australia and will expand to the Americas by theend of the year.Ask specific questions related to travel, fun places to see, bars,parks, pools, etc. Whenever you`re in a new place and would like toknow what would be the best to way pass the time, ask your Copilotand never be disappointed.If you ran out of ideas how to spend your time, just take a look atCopilot’s feed, and get instant inspiration from the places otherpeople visited and the advice they saw. Also, you can always updateyour friends by sharing your location and Copilot info to socialmedia.Upload your pictures about your travel experiences and get feedbackin seconds from our community of travel enthusiasts ready to guideyou with a map to a place you must see.Ask questions and someone will reply with an interesting and newadvice for your travel experiences.We help you become an expert in traveling and become more consciousof what worth visiting and what to skip. We want to make sure thatyou get the best on your travel.Ask questions and get notified when someone responds.App features:- Complete information and directions with text, photo or evenvideo.- Receive travel advice based on place name, maps, photos or simplequestions.- Observe the advice and information you received or that otherpeople received.Our app and site has already helped many people to:- Find their way in a foreign city- Talk with a community of people with their concerns- Discover new places and have a great holiday.- Impress with great knowledge and witness yourself becoming atravel expert.- Find places that are close by, cheap, or unique.
SousChef 1.1
Crowd Mobile IP Pty Ltd
Souschef is a unique cooking community appwhere you can always get advice on what to cook. You can just snapa picture of your fridge or of your ingredients and receive tastyrecipes in seconds. With Souschef, you have access to over 1000cooking experts that are ready to help you with recipes,instructions and even video tutorials for the tastiest food you canmake at home. Souschef is your own, personal cooking adviser,teaching you how to eat better with ingredients you have athome.When you are done with cooking the recipe, you can post the photoof your results on our feed so everyone else can see what youmade.Souschef is the easiest and most convenient place to findinteresting recipes as well as inspiration for your nextmeal.You can view recipes other users received based on their questionsor their ingredients in the general feed.Discover great new recipes by saying the ingredients you have ortaking a picture of them!After you receive an answer from our expert cooks, you can uploadyour meal pictures to get instant love back from ourcommunity!Ask any questions relating to food, cooking or recipes ideas andsomeone will reply within minutes!Start cooking at home!We have helped many people to live healthier and discover the tasteof real food! We can help you become a talented house chef bygiving you expert level recipes, directions and advice.Tons of recipes; including main dishes, appetizers, drinks, sidedishes, desserts, ethnic recipes, soups, stews and dietrecipes.Just type in the ingredients you can find at home to discoverdelicious and healthy recipes!Join the fun recipes community!Ask questions and get notified when someone respond.App Features:- Complete recipes directions with text, photo or even video- Receive recipes by food title, ingredients, photos or simplequestions- Share everything on social media so your friends can see yourrecipes.- Observe the recipes you received or the recipes other peoplereceivedOur app and site has already helped people to:- Have a more healthy food menu for free.- Talk with a community of people with the same food tastes.- Discover new recipes and cook great food. Even if you are on adiet.- Impress with great meals.- Find food that fits their diet, including diabetic, baby food,vegetarian and gluten free.The Souschef app also makes it easy to browse substitutions andcook Holidays recipes. Including Easter, Christmas, Halloween andThanksgiving with turkey recipes.
Thirsty 1.1
Crowd Mobile IP Pty Ltd
THIRSTYIt’s Friday evening, you have people coming over in a couple ofhours, and you want to impress them with some amazing cocktails.Because that’s how awesome you are. Unfortunately, a few hours isnot a lot of time to shop and you also kind of need to clean yourplace a bit first.Sure, you might know how to make Cosmopolitans, and while it seemedlike a good idea to learn how to make those sweet, sweet, redcocktails when you wanted to impress Jennifer, now they don’t seemto be the exact right stuff to impress your male friends with.Especially, since the cocktail glasses don’t really hold liquidthat well while you’re firing up and moving around playing anamusing game of football on your gaming console. Cosmopolitans alsoooze a certain type of female tv-show dedicated to gossip andshoes, no, you would rather want to serve your friends somethingcool, something a superfly, secret agent would drink - maybesomething with fire in if not a Martini.Apropos, what is the difference between shaking and stirring aMartini? How do you make it dirty, and would you even like that?Should you invest in whisky stones or will ice suffice? Does itmatter if you serve whisky or whiskey? What about Scotch? Andshould you invest in an exotic one from, say, Japan?Time is of the essence, not only do you need to clean, you alsoneed a list of cocktails to make and what exactly goes into them.You are probably starting to regret you didn’t research thisearlier. But don’t worry, your pocket size bartending friend,THIRSTY, is always available and at your service.THIRSTY - a cocktail app with thousands of recipes and instructionscomes to your rescue. Every time. No matter what you ask THIRSTY;what liquor, which glass, which garnish or what part of the worldit comes from, THIRSTY has the answer.Never more will you be in a situation where you don’t know exactlywhat to stock up on in order to create the most amazing drinks, norwill you look at the contents in your kitchen and bar cabinetswondering what you could possibly do with them. Your friends willbe amazed and impressed by your skills, and you can, deservedly,bask in your newfound glory as the best bartender in yourgroup.THIRSTY provides you with all the inside information accumulated bythousands of expert bartenders cocktail stylists through time, allwith an easy press of the “send” button. You will know exactly whatto do, so confidently invite your friends over for a night of malebonding, arrange for some fun entertainment, games or movies forexample, serve amazing drink after amazing drink and dazzle yourguests with your fantastic know-how. Present a Tom Collins or GreenLantern gin and tonic, which will leave your friends envious ofyour obvious talent and refined tastes.Now if you can ski down a mountain while mixing a cocktail andblowing up an enemy helicopter, we are sure that a call fromHollywood is just around the corner.
What Would Jesus Do 1.1
Crowd Mobile IP Pty Ltd
Have you ever found yourself in a situation,where you just don’t know what to do? Luckily, the What Would JesusDo app is here to help you. No matter which situation you are in,you can ask the app for advice, so you can navigate the trickyparts of life like relationships with your friends, family,co-workers and love-interests or if you simply just want tooptimise your life, becoming the best person that you can be. WhatWould Jesus Do gives you the answers to all your questions, big orsmall, so you can be more like Jesus.What Would Jesus Do will guide you through every situation, whereyou need advice. What Would Jesus Do gives you access to over 1000experts, who can help you with everything from how to handle yourboss to how to talk to that guy at the office that you like.Whit What Would Jesus Do app you can:- Get personal advice.Our experts focus on your personal situation and will help yousolve any problem or situation that you find yourself in.- Access huge cloud of advice.No matter what situation you find yourself in need of advice for,we have already been in the situation before. We analyse yoursituation and help you find the best strategy to solve yourproblem.- Get expert advice.Our team of advisors are the best in their field; they understandyou and your situation and can advise you based on your personalneeds.- Achieve personal growth.Our team of experts will help you grow into the best possibleversion of you.Never more will you be at a loss for what to do or say, and youwill learn tricks to optimise your life.- Ask us.Ask our team of experts about your problem. Like: “My co-workerdoesn’t like me, how do I solve the situation?”- Get inspiredYou can see examples of other users’ questions and answers; maybesomeone has been in the same situations as you.
Gossip Factory 1.1
Crowd Mobile IP Pty Ltd
Hearsay, chitchat, tittle tattle and dirtylaundry. Everyone loves a bit of gossip, but what's the goss onyou? ! Write to Gossip Factory to find out all the gossip, becauseonce they stop talking to you, they start talking about you! How dowe know everything? That's one secret we`ll never reveal, but youknow we love you XOXO.Wanna know what they really say? Wanna know what they really think?Will we get back together? Have I found my soul mate? Why did myfriends suddenly stop talking to me? Does he/she have a crush onme? Is she/he a cheater? Will we get back together? Is he/shekeeping secrets? Had a fight with my best friend, what should I donow?Maybe you started to notice distance between you and your partner.Things just aren't the way they used to be, or instincts tells youshe/he is being unfaithful. Your friends have seen her/him talkingin the restaurant with someone. Besides, you have noticedsuspicious laptop or phone activities like secrets texts, emails ornew, strange websites. He/she looks especially panicked when thephone rings. No doubt, we all have our suspicions about our lovedones.No matter how great your best friend is, fights and disagreementsare bound to happen once in a while. We're all human. But sometimesyou cannot understand the sudden change in the behavior of yourfriend and you need some clarification. Maybe, she/he is jealousabout your relationship and successes at school. Or someone isspreading rumors behind you back that you’re not aware of. Likemany things in life, gossip is something you can’t always control.But that doesn’t mean it has to control you!Use the Gossip Factory app to find out all the juicy gossip andsecrets that your friends and partners are hiding from you. Thanksto our app, many masks can come off, making relationships morehonest. Moreover, we know how to help you to deal with the truth bygiving the best advice. Our team know the answers to everytroubling problem. Importantly, you can reveal them and everysensitive issue which is causing you sleepless nights. You cancount on us whenever you feel lost, overwhelmed or misunderstood.We are here for you, so send us your questions or problems andwithin few minutes we will give you the solution!Remember rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools and acceptedby idiots! Do not accept it, act! Use the Gossip Factory app andlearn about all the hidden secrets and gossip. Because you cannotimagine what they are talking about.
Bongo Game
Crowd Mobile IP Pty Ltd
Bongo is a cheeky monkey, who lives inthejungle, where he loves to play and eat bananas. Help Bongobyplaying with him to free the bananas from the bubbles. Get timeandbubble bonus for finishing each level quickly and with lessthannine bubbles. It's harder than you think, but if you practice,youwill soon be able to beat both friends and strangers with yourhighscores. Hours and hours of engaging fun.
Nutri 1.1
Crowd Mobile IP Pty Ltd
Nutri is a unique nutrition focused communityapp where you can always get advice on nutrition, healthy foods,shakes and juices. You can just snap a picture of ingredients andreceive nutritional information in seconds. With Nutri, you haveaccess to over 1000 nutrition experts that are ready to help youwith information, instructions and even video tutorials with thelatest nutritional information. Nutri is your own, personalnutrition adviser, teaching you how to eat better with ingredientsyou have at home.Ask specific questions related to nutrition, just snap a picture ofyour ingredients/food and receive nutrition advice inseconds.If you ran out of ideas what kind of shake you should make afteryour workout, just take a look at Nutri`s feed and get instantinspiration.Upload your pictures of what you have at home and get feedback inseconds from our community of nutrition experts ready to help youput together a meal plan or a tasty and healthy recipe.Ask questions and someone will reply with an interesting and newadvice for your post-workout meal!We help you become a nutrition specialist, and you`ll see theresults in your workout in days.Join this healthy community and become more conscious of what youeat, or, as we say at Nutri, we make sure you treat your body astemple! Don`t forget that you are what you eat!Ask questions and get notified when someone respond.App Features:- Complete information and directions with text, photo or evenvideo- Receive information based on food title, ingredients, photos orsimple questions- Share everything on social media so your friends can see yournutritional advice.- Observe the advice and information you received or that otherpeople receivedOur app and site has already helped people to:- live a more healthy life and eat healthy food- Talk with a community of people with the concerns- Discover new recipes and cook great food. Even if you're in adiet.- Impress with great meals and witness yourself becoming healthierand better informed- Find food that fits their diet, including: diabetic, baby food,vegetarian and gluten free.
Flawless 1.1
Crowd Mobile IP Pty Ltd
FLAWLESSWho is that girl? Why is she so beautiful? Maybe she was born anatural beauty, or maybe she is just very good at applying makeup.Wouldn’t you like to be better at applying makeup too? Get to knowthe best products and tools, identify your best features; is ityour eyes, your smile or your perfect complexion? Get that luminousglow like you are lit from within, know which kind of foundationwill give you that dewy skin and how to highlight your browbone.Not alone is it great to make heads turn, it is also fun to playwith your make-up, express yourself and let your creativity runfree.When we look beautiful, we feel confident, and when we feelconfident nothing can stop us, we can conquer the world. Most girlsknow how to do a basic makeup routine, but fall short when it comesto how to use more sophisticated techniques or even knowledge suchas what best suits which face type or what it means to smudge alipstick color.How do you get smouldering eyes, how do you balance a natural andromantic look while still making sure your makeup doesn’t melt offin the heat, and can you apply moisturizing cream before applyingyour primer? Let’s not even begin to talk about which is the besttechnique to fill in your eyebrows, how you should shape them andwhether their color depend on your eye or hair color; makeup can beconfusing. Of course you research online for the exact righttechnique, however; the ocean of information is vast, and gettingto the right piece of advice can be difficult and timeconsuming.To the rescue is FLAWLESS - your personal, pocket-size makeupartist here to answer all your beauty questions. Never again willyou question the shape of your face, where to apply the blush orhow to get that airbrushed foundation look and contour like a pro.We will get ready with you and help you every step of the way tomake sure you always look your best.FLAWLESS will change your life; ask any makeup related question,and quickly receive a reply with instructions, tips, and tricks.Our makeup artists will send you a response with exact instructionson how to solve your makeup related problem and, if possible, alsolink to further information such as an article, a blog or videocontent.FLAWLESS will be both your personal makeup artist and soon alsoyour best friend. You will be guided through the best routines forgetting ready. Ready for school, dates and nights out. From now onyou will always know exactly what to do to highlight your facialfeatures; your brows will make people go wow, your eye-shadow andwinged liner will give your eyes the perfect smouldering look, andthe color of your lip gloss will make your lips pop.You will have quick and easy access to thousands upon thousands ofinstructions about everything from primer, foundation andconcealer, to lipstick, rouge, eyeliners, mascara and much more.Your personal, pocket-size makeup artist, FLAWLESS, knowseverything; put it to the test!
Bongo Thinks 1.05
Crowd Mobile IP Pty Ltd
"Bongo Thinks you just took the PERFECTselfie! He hopes those eyes have a GPS system, because anyone wouldget lost in them! "Submit your photos to Bongo and receive feedback straight away.This super-intelligent monkey has been digging up the gossip onpeople for over 8 years.Who better to talk about your amazing selfies than the cheekyrascal who knows everything about you and your friends?!***Support***How do I get started?It's so easy, a monkey could do it! All you have to do is...1) Download the app2) Get bananas to feed Bongo.  3) Post a photo or ask him anything!Who is Bongo?Bongo is EVERYONE’s favorite primate. After travelling the globeand experiencing more than any man (or monkey), he’s settled downto spend the rest of his days relaxing in a beachfront pad inAustralia. Armed with his brilliance and mobile phone, he does whathe loves most - answering your questions! If you’re feeling down,he’ll cheer you up. If you’re feeling amusing, he’ll playalong.Either way, it’s always a fun time with your silly simianfriend.What can I ask him?Anything! Well, almost. If it’s inappropriate, his feelings mightget hurt and you won’t get an answer. Keep it clean; trash goes ingarbage bins.How quickly does he respond?As soon as possible. Bongo always wants to chat with YOU!Can anyone see what I submit?All posts on Bongo Thinks are anonymous! But if you don’t wantpeople to see your photos and questions, all you have to do it letBongo know, and he’ll keep them off the feed.